Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Global Art Project gets mailed tomorrow!!

Here is my offering for this years Global Art Project for Peace. Last time I was paired up with someone in Taiwan, this time my project goes to Oakland California.

I chose to knit a "Spirit Bag". This bag was knit with #8 perle cotton and #11 seed beads on a #0000 needle. I will happily share the pattern on to anyone who asks for it. Just e mail us.

Inside the bag I will place the following....

A Coin: representative of our wealth..What we do with it is more important than how much we have.

A Glass Leaf: To remind us how fragile our Eco System has become.

A piece of Amber: The oldest substance on the earth. Although we are here for a fragment of time our actions will have lasting effects on mankind.

An ankh: The ancient symbol for "Life."

What we do with our life is our

I hope the recipient will add some meaning full things as well and hang this little bag some where where the sun will shine on it.

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