Wednesday, October 21, 2009

She designed this too???

I made an interesting discovery today.

While cruising my favourites list on Ravelry and sighing over all the garments I want to make, I noticed that the same designer's name kept popping up. I checked out her pattern list and I had 5 of them in my favourites already! I had found her patterns in Vogue, Twist Collective and surfing patterns on Ravelry.

Her name is Mari Muinonen (rav-link) This is her blog, Madebymyself Unfortunately it's in Finnish but the pictures are pretty.

Here's a couple of my favourites...

Backbone Vest (Knit 1 Fall/Winter '08)

Vihervaara Huppari (Vogue Fall '08)

Sylvi (Twist Collective Winter 2008)

I want to make them all, but until I get some of my current WIP's finished I can't do it. Good news, I did finish 3 things! (pictures to come) and I'm back at work on Hubby's skull sweater, which will make him happy. There are a few more small projects that I'll play with inbetween, but no socks or big sweaters until I clear up all the little stuff. (we'll see how long I can last with that.)

~Daughter #1

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can see why you like these exquisite garments.