Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Dry Resist Dyeing.

"Eh voila" as we say on the cereal box. The dye only captured the wet wool. Lots of white bits left behind. Some of which are a little wetter now. Add another packet of kool aid to same water "sans" wool and dunk the hank again.

In between doing this I dyed up a special request colour way for Meg's mitts. Oh Meg, I will have to knit this up very quickly before Aunty Corinne pinches your wool!!
P.S. Just in case you don't believe Kool aid is acidic just try doing this with a paper cut. Stings like a bitch. I had to get out the plastic gloves besides which my nails were turning a permanent light turquoise.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tay and Meg Dye wool.

Then we baked cookies.......Grami needed a spa treatment. Plastic bags in the foreground are full of more white wool to be dyed.
Update: One mitten knit the other on the needles. This closeup show off the colours nicely.
Oh and by the way the dyeing with kool aid isn't over yet...More to come.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Oh the pretties.....
This arrived in the mail today. I treated myself to some fingering weight yarn that I was raving about a few months ago. HERE

6 skeins of Imagination Hand Painted called Wicked Witch. It's gorgeous and so incredibly soft I want more. It is so tempting to start a new project but mum and I are going to do this together (Hey 'La' Do you want to get in one this with us?)
BUT I have to wait till she finishes the ones she has on the go. Not to forget, I still have to finish my Hallowe'en Mystery Shawl. I stalled out on it because adding all those bead is really annoying. It will be gorgeous once it is done I'm sure but until then...ugh. If I could only find a really really really fine crochet hook.

This is the pattern we are going to be doing. Anyone is welcome to KAL with us, jus say HI in the comments. You can get a copy of the pattern HERE. I'll post when we get started but it won't be till the new year I'm sure. This would make for a nice January project.
~Daughter #1
Sunday, November 9, 2008
C'est Fini Fini

The scalloped edge didn't turn out as well as I had hoped but the great thing is I could always block it out again. In fact I had planned to do exactly that.

Except that moments after the pictures were taken it was claimed. Munchkin has broken her hand and wanted to snuggle in it because I made it and it would make her feel better. Like I could ever say NO the that kind of logic.

Daughter #1
Saturday, November 8, 2008
More on the Kool Aid dyeing thing......

Steam with lid on for 10 minutes. When the time is up and you remove the lid you will see that the packages are very puffy they collapse quickly as the steam escapes.
They look shrink wrapped. Caution if you use cheapy cling wrap you will have the devils own time trying to undo the parcel. Buy a name brand! Be careful the wool inside is VERY VERY hot. It will cool down very quickly. Wash the hanks in soapy water the same temp as the wool! This is important, a change in temperature between the hot wool and the wash water can shrink wool that is not super wash. The Jamaica hank had to be rinsed 20 times (!!) to remove the excess dye. The colour is still dark. A little of this is going to go a L-O-N-G way.
Test hanks drying on the counter. The vibrant colours would be very nice in a fall mix..Hmmm
Saturday, November 1, 2008
C'est Fini!!!

One problem, it may be the last thing she ever makes me.
The yarn is Tofutsies and is a blend of
50% Superwash Wool
25% SOYSILK brand fiber
22.5% Cotton
2.5% Chitin (made from shrimp and crab shells! Naturally Antibacterial)
It’s that 2.5% that concerns me. Mum is DEATHLY allergic to shell fish. Makes me wonder if she would have a reaction by knitting with it? It’s not like she will be sucking on the yarn… but then this is a woman who can tell if you cooked you fries in the same oil as shrimp, because she has a reaction as soon as the fry hit her tongue.
So, Mummy gets to play guinea pig *G* with me and her honeybunny watching very carefully. She’s going to hold on to the ball for a while and see if she has any sort of reaction. Has anyone else knit with a product that they are allergic to? Anything happen to you?

~Daughter #1