The scalloped edge didn't turn out as well as I had hoped but the great thing is I could always block it out again. In fact I had planned to do exactly that.

Except that moments after the pictures were taken it was claimed. Munchkin has broken her hand and wanted to snuggle in it because I made it and it would make her feel better. Like I could ever say NO the that kind of logic.

Daughter #1
It looks wonderful, the lace that is. Poor little girl!
I finally found my error on row 159 after farting around for weeks putting it aside, picking it up, putting it aside......sigh. I found it by reading the graph out loud and marking off the stitches one by one. Then I promply knit 10 rows. woo Hoo
WHOOP! Good job! Hurry up and finish and we will have a joint picture.
Munchkin has an appt at the fracture clinic on Wed. She has already decided that she wants a 'glow-in-the-dark' or lime green cast....
Remember when those wretched things only came in white and weighed a ton?
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