I know you are getting tired of the whole dyeing thing but hang in there it will be worth it. Most wonderful inventions happen by way of an accident. I have "uninvented"** dry resist dyeing. **That means someone else has done this before
accidentally. I am doing it deliberately.

In order to dye evenly the wool has to be soaked to be completely wet. What if some of the wool was still dry when you put it into the dye bath..
HMM??? I mixed 1 pack of
kool aid in about 1.5 imperial quarts of hot water. In a separate bowl I put a 100 gm ball of "On your Toes"
superwash sock yarn into a hank and
quickly pushed it under clear water. Then I quickly lifted it out before it was completely wet and plunged it into the dye bath......

"Eh voila" as we say on the cereal box. The dye only captured the wet wool. Lots of white bits left behind. Some of which are a little wetter now. Add another packet of
kool aid to same water "sans" wool and dunk the hank again.

This will do nicely thank you. It is a little tedious but what the heck it was my day off. This first hank took 3 packets of Ice Blue
Kool Aid.

The hank above was achieved with 5 packs. There is a subtle difference when dry. I have finished the next 2 hanks one with 7 packs and the last one with I think it was 10. That's 25 packets of kool aid!!!!!! This wool is for our KAL Faroese shawl see (Corinne's post).

It looks better in person.

These hanks are for Julia (*waving hi*). the gold goes from dark to light and the multi is the finished result from the girls dyeing project. It photoed a little darker.
In between doing this I dyed up a special request colour way for Meg's mitts. Oh Meg, I will have to knit this up very quickly before Aunty Corinne pinches your wool!!
P.S. Just in case you don't believe Kool aid is acidic just try doing this with a paper cut. Stings like a bitch. I had to get out the plastic gloves besides which my nails were turning a permanent light turquoise.
oooh I do like meggie's ball LOL
What colour/flavour did you use for your yarns?
Meg's wool is Ice Blue, Lemom Lime and Typoon Blue ( from California)with white bits (undyed) in between. Wait till you see what I have come up with for Ryl & Tea..hehehe
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