Thursday, May 21, 2009

Oh boy,

The table cloth proceeds in snail like proportions. Around and around and slow as a turtle. I am looking forward to something else to work on. This has been 3 months of almost single dedication. I need colour!! Boring thy name is ecru!

The Anniversary Shawl KAL ( Mother's Day gift from eldest..sweet child) is calling to me..


and that's a big but I promised to finish Matt's Skull sweater first before I cast on anything new.
Can you believe it? I have run out of black wool! Me the Queen of, "buy another ball...just in case." Oye vey, now I have to run out after work and HOPE they have another ball. Carl is away this evening so it is chick flicks on the telly and a massive drive to finish the last of this project.

I am having a lunch time respite on Corinne's Geyser socks. I am getting ready to turn the gusset heel "toe up." Something new! When your my age their aren't many "new" things left....lolol
(edit: yes they had another ball of black and I kinda picked up 2 more balls of Kaffe's Exotica sock yarn. I mean it would look chinsy to use the debit card for a $6 purchase, eh?)

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