Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Goth Princess has a request....

"Grami, can you knit me a voodoo doll?"
Grami can do anything, I did wonder what my mother would think.
Off we went to Spun, in Burlington. She chose green and purple. I mean how threatening can that be??
This is the prototype in the works. It has already been ripped back to the top of the heart.
Nothing I like more than designing on the needles.......snort
I am keeping track of the pattern, with strike outs and corrections, on the back of a Subway serviette. All will be revealed, hopefully, this week.
I have already had one phone call.
"Grami, how is my voodoo doll coming along?"
Reminds me of a story my mother used to tell. My grandmother, the oh so elegant "Nana," was making me a sweater. She had stopped knitting whilst talking with my mother. I reportedly tugged on her arm and said, a little impatiently, "Nana, knit on my sweater." There is nothing worse than waiting.
Bear update: all 16 are stuffed. I am embroidering faces. Too bad I am such a perfectionist or they would be done by now.

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