Sunday, August 16, 2009

Ordering on line......

My first attempt at ordering wool on line and it was a success. Here is the wool for the Halloween vest. As I mentioned before the cotton just didn't cut it so when all else fails buy the wool the designer suggests. I must add that Knit Picks has excellent service! Son #2 told me about the "Visa My Treat" card that can be bought at Macs. Who knew? A preloaded Visa card that enables me to shop online......vistas await
This is "Unicorn"....wool alpaca & nylon sock yarn...pour moi... no time soon though...sigh
Yesterday I worked on the shawl for Jacki and turned the toe on the second black sock. The shawl is coming along nicely. I mean I have 2 weeks yet...who's worried?
Sometimes I am so scathingly brilliant it amazes even me. You know how the sun bleaches out computer screens...well... I put the portable dvd player in the Knit Pics box to keep it out of the sun and watched a movie whilst I knit outside. Worked a charm..ta dah!!!
Back to the shawl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea for on-line shopping! FYI you can usually purchase those cards at any store which has a gift card power center, such as Sobey's.


P.s. Great colours!